To get help from the Low Income Taxpayers Clinic you must meet certain eligibility requirements. If you are unsure of your eligibility you can submit an online application or call us and one of our intake specialists will help you to determine your eligibility.

This Online Application helps you start the process of applying for free legal help from Rhode Island Legal Services. Filling out the application does not mean that RILS will help you. RILS has limited resources and cannot assist everyone who needs help. The information collected in the application is only used to help us decide if you are eligible for our help.

This is only an application. Rhode Island Legal Services is not your attorney and there is no "attorney-client relationship" between you and Rhode Island Legal Services. The information collected in the application is ONLY used to decide if you are eligible for our help. However, we will not give this information to anyone outside of Rhode Island Legal Services unless you give us permission to do so or it is required by law. We will review the information you give us and let you know whether we can offer you legal help.

First Name:      Last Name:
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
City:   Zipcode
Phone Number:
Date of Birth:
Marital Status:
Are you a citizen? Yes  No
Briefly, explain your tax problem:

Please Enter Text Below:

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